Happy friends

A good friend will always be there for you! :)

A silly indoors blip today, since I'm still not feeling well. The sun has been shining, but I just left the flat to get some milk this morning. However, I'm feeling much better than yesterday. I hope the sun shines tomorrow and I'm well enough to go outside.

Yes, a combination of Beechams Ultra, Strepsils, ibuprofen,Vicks VapoRub and marinakari's wise advise of sleeping with two pillows helped a lot last night and I managed to get some sleep. As a result, I'm feeling a bit better today.

I was planning to go to a party this evening, but I had to cancel, not only because I'm not feeling well but also because I don't want to give this nasty bug to anybody!

I spent most of my day sorting out my photos from Barcelona and uploading some in Facebook. I've got a few more things to catch up with but I'm taking it easy..

Thanks very much for all your nice and caring comments, I do really appreciate them!! I hope you're all having a good weekend! :)

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