The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Quite effishent ..

So - Facebook. It has its bad side … but how about this for a good side ..

Now, concentrate please …

I have a friend who I know through music .. he had a partner who worked in a hospital in Dorset …

I would speak to my friend on Facebook from time to time - and through him I got to 'know' a colleague of his partner.

I became 'friends' with the colleague, Dr.B. Through Dr B. I became friends with Cecilia who was studying nursing as a mature student, and he was her mentor.

Cecilia and I have been Facebook friends for about three years.

Because of family commitments and a lack of time she wasn't able to continue with her nursing studies - but now has a job as an events co-ordinator for The Alzheimer's Society.

She is currently organising a yarn bombing event to promote awareness of dementia ..

Here's a description of what she's planning.

She's put an amazing amount of work into it, and has made some incredible things. A couple of days ago she put out an emergency call for shoals of fish! I couldn't knit lots of fish very quickly, but thought I could probably churn out a few felt ones in a hurry - so here they are - currently winging their way to Dorset.

The friend at the beginning of this chain is no longer with his partner .. the partner no longer works at the hospital, very very sadly Dr B died last year (he had become a good Facebook friend too - and we shared an identical birthday date). Cecilia is no longer a student nurse .. but even though we've never met or even spoken, she's still a very good friend and we 'speak' every day.

I really value her friendship - thanks Cecilia - you're worth a few fishies :)

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