From where I'm sitting

By LoobyG

World outside my window

An increasingly familiar view from the study window, and one I've blipped often before. I have my translation resit in 10 days time, so I'm guessing (hoping!) I'll be seeing more of it over the next week and a bit, one way or another. Mr G kindly looked after the children and cooked dinner for me this afternoon so I've had a good few hours of gazing at this skyline for inspiration as I revise.

Hard to believe this song was released as a single a full 25 years ago... Gulp. It still sounds great, though.

Despite my new year's almost-resolution, I've not been finding much time or material to blip of late. I really am looking forward to getting back into the habit at some point soon... I've missed it, but have been struggling to find sufficient motivation and inspiration.

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