No, I'm not joining you

Flash has been going out for his walks without problems for several weeks but yesterday he stayed at home. Today the same but as I had to use the car anyway, I drove him out to a meet the others a few kilometers away. Had to pull him out of the car and he just lay down trying to ignore Angie, Sultan & Luna, hoping I would let him back in the car. I drove off, Angie rode away and he stayed put. I stopped about 1/2km away and turned back as he was clearly not going to budge. Just before I got there, Flash took off after the others and all ended well.

Angie then had to take Rosie with the trailer over to a nearby stables as farrier Lothar was doing his tour. Great news - Lothat is now happy with her hoof walls and no longer needs to use supporting plastic cuffs/walls. Great for Rosie, even better for our wallets. However thank you Lothar, a great job done.

My eye is better today, the ear/headache did return yesterday evening for a while. Seems the gel is doing it's job.

So despite the afternoon drizzle, not a bad day all round. Trust you all had a good day. Now I need to catch up having enjoyed lots of sleep last night.

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