Misty morning
Angie, Rosie and the dogs out for the morning walk. Flash went without problems.
Had a great dinner Angie cooked yesterday but then a dreadful night - too much cheese probably in the baked zucchini & potato casserole. After a bit of a lie in to catch up on lost sleep, by mid morning all was back to normal.
Angie is fortunate to be able to eat anything, a stomach like a pig, so to speak!! There is a famous dish from the area the former Chancellor, Helmut Kohl came from called "Saumagen" (sow's stomach) which even Mrs Thatcher and Ronald Reagan were served. If your from Lancashire or the Black Country, I can provide the recipe!
Still, warmish (relative) day so spent most of it outside doing wood splitting & storing. Eye much, much better. So after a slow start, a good day once again.
Weekend survived and I guess for some back to work and a bit of rest. Hope all have a good week.
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