But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

Bird's Nest.

In a few weeks time it’s The Great British Bird Watch so today the cafe had an exhibition publicising the event. I went along to deliver a few of my pictures of garden birds taken over the last year to supplement the display.

In the adjacent Saint Mungo's churchyard is the derelict old church, the new one sits just outside. Half way up the old bell tower, this window has been commandeered by generations of birds, probably jackdaws, despite (or due to) the half-hearted attempts to keep them out.

I've pointed various cameras at this window many times; today there was a bonus, this solitary pigeon standing guard at the entrance in the chicken wire. A couple of previously unseen jackdaws flew out of a higher window as I took the picture; had they not been hidden, I might have been posting a different blip.

On a completely different topic, a play commemorating sixty years of weather forecasting on the BBC has just started on the radio.
I often comment that they start the forecast by telling us what the weather was like yesterday; they can't get that right so what chance do they have predicting the future.

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