
By Indy653

Clock Tower, Logie

"I know a lot about cars, man. I can look at any car's headlights and tell you exactly which way it's coming."
Mitch Hedberg

Drove up to Forres to see about getting new car - and also to have lunch with Alan and Sheila. I'm much more into colour and design than practicality. I once went to John Lewis to buy a vacuum cleaner and asked to buy a blue one. Anyway we'd decided this time that white was to be the colour of the car - last one was black. I think our friends and the salesman probably thought us mad as the black car looked grey - so covered in grime, salt and grit. But anyway we've gone for white. At our age who wants to be practical??

Countryside looked beautiful today - crisp and very bright. We first tried to get lunch at Logie but there was a queue. Headed then for 'The Classroom' in Nairn and again it was full, but no-one waiting. Lovely meal, back to garage to sign the forms, then home!

This link is to a song which takes me back to student days in Glasgow. They used to play this every week in the Men's Union on a Saturday night while we nursed lagers and lime and waited to be asked to dance! I love it:

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