Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Pier Color

The three of us were at Schooner's for dinner, when I mentioned that a photo of the pier would be wonderful. So our daughter offered to take my phone to capture the moment. I think she did a good job.

Dinner was delicious. I order the orange salmon miso (orange as in citrus) yum, Mr. Fun the fish & chips, and our daughter requested a bowl of clam chowder. Schnooers was overflowing with people, so we were pleased to get a table with a view of the sky and the pier.

While we had had a great day on Thursday with our daughter, today had not been the same. It was as though everyone had "gotten up on the wrong side of the bed," which is a term my mother used to use. Our daughter especially seemed snippy all throughout the day. "Dysfunction" is this family's nickname!

So when she told us she was going to head for home after dinner, I think I was relieved. I thought it seemed nuts that she was going to turn around and head 4-hours back to her place, when she had only arrived here Thursday (that's yesterday) morning, but the two of us are here to relax and for Mr. Fun's knee to heal from surgery and not be in turmoil with whatever is going on in our adult daughter's life.

She and her husband have been separated for 18 months. The two of them spent lots of time together during November and December, but they are not doing so well now. Sheeeeesh! And certainly that's causing some ruffles in all our lives. I know marriage is the most difficult thing Mr. Fun and I have ever done. I think, though, separating would be harder.

On a more pleasant note, this morning my daughter and I took the three pooches for a long walk from the house down to the pier. We met a man there at the pier who told us his family has owned a house in town since the 70s. He said it was built in the late 1800s and he described it as a "tear-down" but said he and his brother and sister are not going to tackle that chore and then the chore of rebuilding.

So I told him our place here is probably also a "tear-down" and we would most likely not be doing that; someday our heirs can do that. But for now, we have 32 feet of view from Point Buchon in the south to Point Estero in the north. Here in these parts they call that "point-to-point" view. AND this place is affordable, and that makes it all worthwhile.

Well, this is a day old "back" blip, but who's counting?!

Good night from Cayucos,
on California's Central Coast.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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