Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Morning Clouds

This morning as the sun rose from behind this community, the clouds blushed. From our front windows, we were privileged to watch the soft peach, rose, and periwinkle palette the Artist had selected for this Thursday. (Mr. Fun captured these for me; I was sitting in bed drinking my first cup of coffee and watching the clouds, but didn't want to get out of the soft warm luxury to capture this.)

The sunrise mural is all together different from the daily sunsets, but no less spectacular. We're having a slow day -- a rare pleasure -- and find ourselves in this little community's library at mid-day, so with the convenience of free Internet, I thought it best to upload my photo now even though the day is long from over and I can add to the message later from my iPhone if I should decide to add a thought or two, but uploading photos from my camera requires Internet, and we have very little of that at the house and we're never sure when we'll have it.

From California's Scenic Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. Yesterday's blip is not ready because I have two photos that need to be combined into a side-by-side collage. I don't know how to do that on my MacBook Pro, which I am using at the moment. So later this evening, I will use my school laptop to make the collage, and then post it. Someday I need to learn how to manipulate photos on this Mac (I can straighten, rotate, crop, etc., but I don't know how to collage them).

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