Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Me, me and more me.

I've decided that I'm the only one that matters, being selfish. Also, full free chicken on my Nando's card, I've hit the big bucks.

So today I feel better. After I watched breakfast club last night and checking my phone every 3 seconds to see if he had texted me, he hadn't. Therefore I have decided to be selfish forever, to only spend money on me and me alone. I think I need to try being single for a while, I mean, I know I had 5 months of it last year but I think now it's deffenitley not happening again, I can really move on. Because I haven't got that curiosity of 'what if', because I know what if now. Seems a bit rubbish though, just go on holiday with me and then dump me why don't you. I hate boys.

Well, tomorrows a new week. I'm going to Manchester tomorrow night to see Maroon 5 so we'll see how that turns out! Me and my mum have no idea where we are going so we recon it'll be an adventure.

Happy Blipping.

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