Because this is who I am

By Brighde

I'm at a payphone

trying to call home, all of my change is spent on you.

The days are getting better but the nights are longer. It's alright during the day because you've got people to talk to, to distract you and make you forget about whats eating you alive. But the night time. That's when things start to hurt, when you think it's a bit cold or your bed just seems a tad too big for one person. Or when you wake up through the night for a cuddle and you realise no-one's there.

Sounds depressing because it is, terribly. You'd of thought they would of mastered how to get over a break up by now. I don't understand why people fall in love in the first place when they feel this shitty when it ends. Answer: everyone forgets. Its like when a mother has more than one child even though it's so painful, they forget the pain but when it comes back around they wonder why they even dreamt of the idea in the first place.

Moving on, I'm going to see 'Singing in the rain' tomorrow in theatre so that should lift my spirits, even though I have no idea what it's about. But it does require a large supply of make up (see picture above) and perhaps a change of shoe.

Diet seems to be going well, eating lots of tomatoes and salad. Boring.

Happy Blipping.

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