Capital adventures

By marchmont

I can SEE you

I had a wonderful night's sleep last night and didn't wake fully till almost. Great.

I did think about going out but I felt I need another 'at home' today. While I was doing some more x-stitch Molly, the wonder cat, was doing what she always does in the morning, keeping the garden safe from marauding neighbours. She didn't seem that concerned about the tortoiseshell and white girl that lives over the back. She did set out a few times to go through the catflap, but gone no further than the kitchen. Like me, running out of steam.

I spent the afternoon on a photo project which took a lot longer than I'd anticipated. It started off by tracking down saved photos from the old laptop and ended with the ordering of collages and pictures. I could have printed them out myself but .....

This evening - tv (none watched at all last night), food and a glass. #2 son has gone out for once, to the cinema. He needs a better social life - and a gf.

Blip #1111. That used to be our phone number, when I was growing up.

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