Proud Weegie

By Shiv

The girl with the laughing eyes.

Up early for No 1 and No 3 - off to a friend's party at the Edinburgh Climbing Centre (No 1 was cadging a lift to work).

There's a soft play in the basement - but you have to climb 5 floors to get to the party room. The lift is tiny... but it always makes me laugh - because you shouldn't really complain about climbing 5 flights of stairs in a climbing centre!

I took some photos of the birthday girl - and spent a pleasant hour or two in Lightroom this evening - cropping, and tinkering. I hope the birthday girl likes the results!

Popped in to the local shopping mall on the way back and No 3 managed to talk me into buying her a pair of 'Vans' in a sale...surprised she didn't ask for the handbag too! (I certainly would!)

She had a friend over to play this afternoon, and I tackled the Sunday ironing mountain a bit earlier. The bonus is - I'm sitting down with my feet up a bit earlier tonight - all set to watch 'Sherlock'!

Have a great week.

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