Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens


We went on a coach tour today. It was great to travel out of the centre and to see another way of life. We visited a national park and saw the old parliament building before heading to see the geysers and Gullfoss waterfalls.

We slipped and slided up icy paths to get to see the geysers. One erupted every six minutes or so and that's the one we stood watching. It was so enchanting to watch the water bubbling away before exploding into a huge blast maybe forty feet into the air. It gave off two eruptions as we stood watching.

Iceland is obviously very icy and also very windy. They don't bother to grit anywhere because it would be an endless task. Health and safety doesn't come into it...if you go too near to the edge of the waterfall and slide in, well you made the choice to do that. A really beautiful and amazing place.

On the coach trip back, it was dark and we passed a churchyard which had Christmas lights on all of the graves. I liked the fact that the dead are remembered and able to join in with the celebrations even though they are no longer on this earth.

This photo was taken by a Polish lady who lives in Switzerland as her husband is Swiss!

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