A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


My brother bought J a dartboard for Christmas. It's been very popular and after dinner we all retired to his room for a couple of games. Did sort of feel like we'd turned his room into a pub. But apart from that slightly odd feeling it was a lot of fun. I was especially delighted to win possibly my first game ever. There were pre-dinner games too when we continued the kids' charades training.

Apart from that it has been pretty lazy for me. I woke up exhausted, not exactly feeling ill but unable to get out of bed for a long time. When I did I managed a brief trip to the shops and the supervising of the baking of Anna's first marble cake which was a huge success. J had his first match of the new year which made the puppy very happy, especially as he scored a goal.

After all that, post lunch everyone was very happy to amuse themselves which for me largely meant lying on the sofa alternating between my book and the newspaper. Not entirely sure what everyone else did but I believe there may have been some football on the telly and some playing with playmobil. But I do know it was rather lovely to lie around and not feel the compulsion to do anything and for everyone to be happily entertained.

Am still exhausted and have 'that' Sunday night feeling but hoping a good night's sleep will help.

Lesley x

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