Monsoon Season

Until I was 13 I dressed like a younger version of my Mum, who then decreed 13 was old enough to have a ‘twin set just’ like hers! Oh lord, forgive me for I thought I had arrived! A few years later, I frightened the life out of my poor Mum by adopting cheesecloth and ethnic designs, growing my hair (a big no-no in our house) and even wearing embroidered loons or bell bottoms. Then I KNEW I had arrived!

Continuing the nostalgic theme from the last two days, here are two cushions in my den made from my 1970’s Monsoon skirts, one of them complete with mirrors, the other from a Peruvian influenced buttoned skirt. They each have a matching bigger sister.

Monsoon was founded in 1973 by Peter Simon, opening the first store in Knightsbridge. He brought exotic fabrics and designs to us, a revolution in clothing as well as the social and economic revolutions going on. Today there are over 1000 Monsoon stores worldwide in 74 markets. It’s still known for amazing design with hand embroidery and embellishments, and I still love shopping there, though muchly moderated from the ‘70’s! I feel privileged to have lived through it all.

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