What a pile of manure

After a long swim and a session at the gym I came home and emptied one of our big green compost bins and turned the contents of the other bin into the now emptied bin.

I loaded the compost from the bin into a wheelbarrow and pushed it a mile up the road to the allotment intending to dump it on our plot and come home, only to find a rather large pile of manure had been dumped at the allotment. So instead of an easy walk home I spent an hour shifting manure onto our plot and into the communal heap. I'll have to let this lot rot down for a year before using it - it's too raw at the moment, but I did bring a bit home to put around the rhubarb, blackcurrants and raspberries.

Now I'm off to the hospital for more exercise, physio on the knee. Then a rest and snooze in the evening I think.

One great outcome of turning the compost I found a small paring knife that we'd lost months ago at the bottom of the compost bin. We'd guessed that's where it had gone, but it was nice to find it.

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