More moody blues

Well, did you know today is the Feast Day of St Hilary (Hammer of the Arians) and reputedly the coldest day of the year?? Just thought I'd throw that in.

It was my ex-boss's birthday so I popped into school bearing gifts and arrived in time for the cake - a ginormous chocolate affair made by an appreciative parent. Having caught up with all the news I then went into Bantry to do a few chores. The Bay was looking astonishing - so blue, yet five minutes after I took this it was hailing! Worth biggifying to see the quay to the right where the tiny rusty car ferry comes in; the pontoon currently occupied by cormorants and gulls; the greeness of Whiddy Island and its Napoleonic batteries; and the imposing mountains of the Beara behind.
Did you know Bantry Bay is 48km long, 10 km wide and 40m deep!! And the first humans to arrive here were Cesaire (grandaughter of Noah, no room on the Ark) and her entourage of 150 women and 3 men. You do now.

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