Marley.. It's my birthday today ..
Yes it is Bobby the bog brushes birthday .. The little wiggy pooch is two years old ... I am quite frankly amazed that he has made it to two ... He has to be the naughtiest fur ball I have ever baby dog sat
He's often found on tables ... This dog can move furniture to enable him to be able to climb high so he can EAT THINGS .. Like flowers in vases... And cake and toys ... He also has selective deafness ... He can only hear things that he likes and he does not like being called back from lying on a dead animal carcass and he really won't come back from a pile of fox poo .... Despite all this I am truly fond of bog brush ( his owner is wiggy and we,that is me and tits think they look alike) and I can honestly say I don't even mind when he bites me ( which he does of you take the ball away from him) ...
Poor Lucy of mine is ill again !! She is really suffering at the moment .. We ended up at the doctors at 5pm and he was very thorough but says its a nasty virus as her glands in her neck are swollen and really there is nothing he can do :( so she is doped up and Eve is being a lovely older sister and playing a game with her ...
Thank you ALL so so much for the fantastic comments on my three year blip yesterday,I am really touched (not just with madness) and really grateful to you all for commenting and making me laugh too .. Blip is a really great online community for sure x
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