A MIMent In Time

By justmim

'Wonderful Apple Cake' is the recipe name and wonderful it is. Mary Berry strikes again!

And the not-so-wonderful custard. Definitely not a skill I possess, yet!

Finally seem to have settled back into the routine of 8-4 now which is good :) really enjoying that with each morning I am arriving at campus to ever so slightly lighter skies.

Productive day of project work and some reading. The semester has now officially begun and so university is full of life once more. Nice to see some familiar faces in the passing :) Very thankful for an helpful meeting with my SS this afternoon, it's good to know that some of the things I am working on at the minute genuinely are difficult...it's not just me being feeble!

Spent a chunk of time today trying to work out a library mystery. Despite definitely having taken a book out from the self-scanners and getting out of the library without activating the alarms it definitely wasn't showing on my record. Cue me cautiously walking back into the library with the offending book for fear of setting of the alarms. Although I suspect it wouldn't matter how cautiously I walked through! Thankfully no alarms, however it wouldn't have been the first time as I have previously taken a book out on loan only for it to disappear from my record and set the alarms off. That one is still a mystery but it turns out today was a case of mistaken book identity.

Groceries done (mustn't do groceries at the end of the day...far too grumpy!) and a lovely evening in the flat to finish the day. Music, baking and chats. Lovely :)

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