
By BethAndCo

Eva's nursery Daily Diary xxx

After a rubbish nights sleep (Eva was fine, it was just me not being able to sleep due to this annoying cold), I got up around 6.50am, got myself showered and ready, then went into Eva. She was fast asleep still, lying on her front with her face down and her little bottom sticking up. She looked so cute and snuggly. I whispered her name so as not to startle her, I stroked her back, tickled her hand, stroked her head, and eventually, she started to stir. Awww she looked so confused and was blinking away trying to focus on me obviously, poor babba.

I got her to nursery for 8.30 am. She was smiling and chattering away as I carried her in and chatted to Helen, who was going to be Eva's buddy while Debbie was on holiday, but as soon as I handed her over, she did start to cry a little.

I worked from home today. It was quite nerve wracking getting on the phone, but I didn't actually get to speak to that many people, nobody seemed to be answering. I also came across a few issues getting to grips with the new system, I couldn't connect my printer, and I had quite a few queries, but I'm sure I'll get there....

I went to collect Eva at just after 5.30 pm and she was the last baby to be collected :-( As usual, when I took her from Helen, she clung on to me so tightly and was chattering away with her little head resting against my shoulder.

They had their new books arrive at nursery, so Eva finally got given hers today, so today's pic is the official first proper entry in her Daily Diary, complete with a little photo and a sticker. Below is more or less what it says (with a few extra details added from chatting to Helen when I collected Eva). I love how in the photo that's attached, you can see her holding onto Iggle Piggle that Nanny brought her for Christmas, and has become her comforter for nursery.

Key worker: (Buddy) Helen
Breakfast: Weetabix and toast (didn't eat much of either)
Snack: Orange (sucked the orange from each segment)
Lunch: Veg pasta followed by yoghurt (ate all)
Tea: Houmous, pitta bread and cucumber (licked some Houmous and ate a small amount of pitta)
Bottles: 12pm (2oz) 2pm (5oz)
Sleep: 12.05-12.25pm then 2.55-3.25pm
Nappies: 10 (w) 12 (dry) 2 (s)
Activities: Eva had a touch of the ice cubes today, and she liked splashing in the melted water.
Key worker comment: Eva also ate her veg pasta by using her hands.

I struggled to put Eva down when we got home, every time I did, she cried and cried and cried with her arms out to me. Jake tried to distract her, I put C Beebies on for her, but she could not be consoled. I had to let her cry, as I needed to get dinner finished (I'd had Lancashire hotpot cooking in the slow cooker all day) and thought once she was eating her dinner, she'd be fine, but she wasn't. She was sat in her highchair leaning across, grabbing for me almost desperately, she didn't want any of her food. I wolfed my dinner down, then lifted her out and just cuddled with her on the sofa and gave her some milk, which she gulped and gulped down, whilst stroking my arm with her one hand and holding my bottom lip with the other.

I took her up for her bath, gave her more milk snuggled in our bed, then carried her into her own room, but she was still crying, so I put her lullabys on her My Pal Violet, and fed her some more with her lying on her changing mat, and she eventually calmed, gulped down a load more milk, and with the music softly playing, allowed me to carry her into her cot and tuck her in, with the last few minutes of her lullabys still playing. She was absolutely shattered. Xxxxx

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