
By BethAndCo

New booties xxx

Eva slept through last night, and Mommy had a wonderful night sleep too ahhhhh :-)

I dropped Eva at nursery for 8.30am, then nipped up to Sainsbury's to get her some warm footwear, as her socks had got wet the day before whilst outside. I have never put shoes or anything constrictive on Eva's feet, but I'd felt awful that her feet must have been cold the day before. I wanted just some baby boots like Uggs style with a soft sole, but they hadn't got anything, so I opted for a pink pair of slipper booties that can just go on the radiator if they get a bit damp. Then dropped them up to her nursery with her name written inside each one.

Eva's Daily Diary entry from today...

Key worker: (Buddy) Helen
Breakfast: Toast and Weetabix (didn't eat, but she'd had a load of milk from me just before I took her to nursery)
Snack: Melon (ate some) Breadstick (ate all)
Lunch: Chicken, mash and veg (ate all, fed herself with her hands) Fruit cocktail (didn't eat)
Tea: Chicken Sandwich and Raisins (ate all)
Bottles: After lunch (2oz) Afternoon (5oz)
Sleep: 12.20-12.35 then 5.30-5.40
Nappies: 10 (w) 12 (d) 2 (s) 4 (w)
Activities: Eva had a spoon and a saucepan and was tapping them together with a smile on her face. She also had a trip to Becketts.

Eva was fine when I dropped her off this morning and when I collected her, she was in the rocker after just having a 10 minute snooze. She really didn't sleep much at all today at nursery and was so tired when I got her home. Again at dinner she didn't eat anything, and was reaching for me and crying and grabbing my arm as I was trying to eat mine, desperate for me to pick her up. I'm not sure whether I may have to start bathing her and putting her straight to bed when she gets in from nursery. It's difficult though, as I still have Jake who needs his tea not too close to his bedtime. I did manage to get her bathed, milk fed and in bed for 7.15, so only just over an hour after getting in from nursery, and she still then took til just gone 8pm to settle, despite being so tired. Hmmmmm what to doooooo......

I didn't get chance to take a photo of Eva today, so I've created one showing her on this week's nursery newsletter, alongside her new little pink booties xxxx

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