Life with K.C.


It was 20 years ago today....

that I joined BT as a 19 year old Clerical Assistant, straight from college. I remember starting on £6,730 a year which was much more than my college friends were on working at banks. I thought I'd be there 6 months, it turned out I was there for 17 & a half years. I started as a shy Clerical Assistant working with scary engineers and ended up as a bossy Product Launch Manager, with many jobs in between. It could have been a job for life but I was offered a very nice redundancy package a few years ago which I took. I owe a lot to BT, I have wonderful friends, happy memories (I've blanked out the bad ones), my camera (was an award I won), a nice house extension and my husband (who I met through work although he doesn't work for BT).

The Blip is of a Mickey Mouse phone which I dug out of the garage & cleaned up especially. His backpack is a telephone. It's pulse dialling otherwise I'd probably use it today...

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