Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Is it time for breakfast

It's out of focus but I don't care because I thought it was cute.

Ferd was in and out of the bed last night, he likes to snuggle under the duvet when it's cold but then inevitably he gets hot.

So filled out my application to claim job seekers allowance today, surprised they didn't want to know when I last had a pee. Next step is to ring a lawyer to see if i have a case, I have been googling law firms and found the one I'm going to call.

Then I need to do tax returns, call garage to arrange to get my car checked as it's kinda juddering as times, like it's got some kind of power issue and the exhaust seems to be rattling and well I think it's probably best to get it checked now rather than wait, phone mobile phone company and see if I can change my contract to a pay as you go without incurring any early release fee as I have been over paying on my contract then do some sums and ring the mortgage company and see if I can arrange a payment holiday or temporary interest only payments *sigh* it all kinda sucks at the moment

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