Wonders Never Cease

Sam's 12th birthday, or the day my mum dropped her strict no photo protocol. I have so very few photos of my mum. Those I do have have been taken by fluke or unawares, snatched on the sly and no doubt blurred.

I kind of know why she's been a no-photos gal all her life. The mystery is why she changed a habit of a lifetime tonight. Too tired to resist perhaps? But looking at this picture, even though she's been surrounded by them before - although not often enough - I think it is because she WAS surrounded by her grandchildren. They were all present and correct, bantering, smiling and connecting. She's got a phenomenal bond with each and every one of them, that reassuring grandparent-grandchild bond that (hopefully) most of us probably still have occasion to fondly reminisce about. And I know they each think the world of her. So all in all, it was enough to trump her long-held dogged determination to avoid the lens. Dad not able to make it, still not up to it health wise, so we shall photoshop him in, hahaha.

This momentous occasion was brought to us by Samshine, on the occasion of his 12th birthday. Happy birthday kiddo, thank you very much. And thanks to friends and family for the many birthday wishes and gifts. It has made a not so wee boy's bleak and cold January mid week birthday very, very bright.

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