No pain, no gain...unless you smile.

Well back to reality today and a workout was top of the list. I moaned and groaned through the entire class but I was glad I did it. It is such a shock to your system to return from vacation and be eating less, doing more and having to get back to the exercise routine.
I actually had a fit of laughter while working out and doing leg lifts. I was with my sister and we were directly across from each other. Each time I lifted my leg I said “Ouch” because it was causing my hip to smart. It got to the point where my sister started laughing and that made me laugh. Funny thing about laughing, it made the pain stop! I read today that even just smiling releases feel good hormones in your brain that help with pain. My next class I plan on doing a lot of smiling!
My blip is of a copper and glass elephant candle holder. I received it as a gift over the holidays and just had the opportunity to light it for the first time tonight. I liked the way the flame is reflected twice in the glass.

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