From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Caught like a rabbit in the headlights

Well, that was an interesting day! McDonalds is back to playing crap music again for the first time since Christmas. I suppose it's good as it drowns out the rasping zombie noises as they rouse themselves for another day of shuffling through the streets of Solihull. I was a bit earlier today so I finished my tea off there while catching up on emails and blips. I was still up at the council house a good ten minutes earlier than normal tormented all the way up the High Street by a street-sweeper in his annoying beeping car. The doors were already wide open and I was swept into the office.

It was a day of eating too much, sorting out a messy help desk to do with security profiles and purchase orders. I had a bit of a chat with Alasdair (the boss) and it appears that my permanent home working post change is moving forward a bit. I don't suppose anything will be properly sorted before the end of March but as I won't be in the office much before then what with holidays in March and a couple of trips to Ayr next month, I'm not worried. Busy times ahead.....

I was going to go up to the fifth floor today to take a picture out of the landing window but after eating my second lunch I felt to dozy to go anywhere and as I was finishing soon after to go to the hairdressers on the way home, I decided to take my chances on the way up the road. I'm afraid I was very wicked and after getting this bus stop, I victimised this poor man stood outside the travelcard shop. I think he tried to back his way through the window to escape from me. I quickly moved on before he got his phone out to call the police!

Jane (my hairdresser) was feeling very talkative today and I emerged an hour and a half later feeling exhausted.

Track? My favourite Stones track today - Paint It Black

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