From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

'Anything for yow, cupcake!'

It always pleases me when I can get a shot in early in case the day caves in on me and I don't get a chance for anything else. I was quite pleased to see the moon when I got downstairs at 5:30 this morning. There was no way I was going out in the garden for it though so I had to turn all the lights out and try to get the angle right through the window. I'd spotted a rather cute looking rat winking at me from under the shed yesterday when I got back and wasn't going to risk it. It was definitely a rat as it had small ears and small eyes on a big body whereas mice have bigger ears and eyes on a smaller body. I sense he isn't long for this world though as the local cats will have fun with him!

The morning was fairly quiet and I pottered away with some admin type things while I had a chance. I always have the radio burbling away in the background and I was quite surprised to hear an interview with the man in the middle of this shot - Mark from Two Towers Brewery - as the Two Towers was now rated one of the top attractions to visit in Brum on the TripAdvisor site. 22 people had rated it as excellent. Hahahaha! Don't get me wrong, I loved it but being keen on the odd pint and being a CAMRA member for years, I did have more than a passing interest. I felt tempted to ring in as the presenter, Adrian, was asking for people who'd been on the tour to phone up. I couldn't face the 'I heard you on the radio again!' calls in the afternoon though.

The other item of interest was this advert! Loads of Brummies were ringing in complaining about the atrocious accent and how it made all Brummies sound thick. I'm not kidding you, I was crying laughing so hard I had a massive pain in the stomach! Oh dear! It's another good reason to move I reckon, to develop a different accent. Mind you, mom has lived in England and then Scotland for 44 years in total now and still sounds like she just came over on the boat from Ireland yesterday!

Anyway, where was I? Back to work, most of the day was taken up with setting up more new starters and also more security profile work with Nuzhat. I have a little list of things to do first thing tomorrow before the rest of the work world begins. That's OK as I like to have things mapped out in advance. It was a busy and productive afternoon.

P.S. I have never said 'yow' instead of 'you' and I have NEVER, EVER called anyone a cupcake!

Track? Well, I should be giving you the moon but instead let's have something a bit starry from David Bowie - Starman

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