Devizes Market Cross

A long day which entailed a visit to the Valleys in South Wales, then down to Swansea and back to the see Robert - R J Morgans for a long natter about life and cameras!

The only shot I managed on route was of the cars all parked up just off the M4 on the Felindre turning near Swansea. I was surprised to see a sign saying 'Park and Share'. Seems a good idea, but makes a rubbish photo!

On the way home contemplating what I could photograph I realised I was picking Claire and a friend up from Devizes as they had gone for an Indian meal to celebrate Claire's Birthday which is coming up next week.

A quick trip into the town centre after collecting the girls and I managed to get this shot.

There is an inscription on the side which gives the story of Ruth Pierce who dared to lie before God. Should you wish to read the tale, I have copied it below for your delight and delectation!

The story relates to Ruth Pierce of Potterne who, on 25th January 1753, came to Devizes to buy wheat. She agreed with three other women to share the cost of a sack of wheat, each paying four shillings and threepence (21 pence). When asked for her share she said that she had already paid it and twice added, “she wished she might drop down dead if she had not”. And she did drop down dead. The next day an inquest, with a judge and jury, found that there were no marks of violence on her body and concluded that she had been struck dead by, 'the Visitation of the Great and Almighty God'; a verdict which would have caused considerable agitation among many of the populace.

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