
Friend Gill came to visit yesterday and stayed overnight, which is why I'm behind with comments.

The main purpose of her visit was to watch the dvd of "Philomena", which we had both missed when it was doing the rounds of the cinemas, so we sat and watched it in the afternoon and thoroughly enjoyed it. I thought both Judi Dench and Steve Coogan were excellent. My kind of film :-)

In the evening, after watching the Great Sport Relief Bake Off, with umpteen dvds to choose from, we opted for "August: Osage County" which had appealed to me when I caught a snatch on television, but it took a long time to get into and if I'd been on my own I would have given up. The acting was superb though - Meryl Streep is bound to be nominated for an Oscar!

The blip is of some of the detail on a telegraph pole that we passed on our walk into Drymen this morning to pay my outstanding debt at the dentist's, followed by coffee and meringue at The Pottery.

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