He's back again!

Corky the Cat has paid us a visit this afternoon. He has been an irregular feature of this house-sit ever since I started coming and I first introduced him here back in April 2012.

Nowadays he is quite brave and doesn't take off so readily when I approach him with a dish of food; today he even let me give his head a little scratch. When I tried a second scratch he hissed at me, so I didn't push my luck. Slowly slowly, catchy monkey Corky!

Like many others I was sorry to hear yesterday of the death of Roger Lloyd-Pack. There are numerous funny Trigger moments from 'Only Fools and Horses' and I chuckled at this one in a tribute to him in today's paper: Del Boy was reminiscing about their successful school football team. "We had Denzil in goal, Monkey Harris at right back. We had camaraderie." to which Trigger responded, "Was that the Italian boy?" Priceless!

It's Friiiiidaaaaay - have a great weekend, blippers!

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