Uncut & Unabashed

By colormesanguine

End of the week

Wednesdays are kind of the end of my week. For January I am taking Foundations of Education which only meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday in person. Thursday and Fridays are online discussion days. Today the weather was so strange. It was super foggy in the a.m. (8:30 am to be exact) with only 5 mi visibility according to my Weather Channel app. But only about an hour and a half later the skies opened up, sun poured down and the birds were chirping!

Before class I decided to finish The Office and watch the series finale. It was so incredibly profound I couldn't watch it with a dry eye. This show started off dry and inappropriate humor that I not only didn't appreciate, but actively was offended by. As the show went on I started to look past the offensives and began to appreciate the show for what it was, a look into ordinary life where amazing things happen. Ordinary is truly extraordinary. It's made me appreciate the routines and rituals in my daily life because it's important and it matters. Definitely a show that creeps up on you and tugs your heart strings till they break.

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