Uncut & Unabashed

By colormesanguine

Neither new nor old

I've been waiting until I bought a new steel pipe bookshelves to finally start to put up my books, but Melanie was cleaning out her soon-to-be room and we uncovered this little gem. It's technically not new because we've had it for years and it used to hold a few of our books when our floor to ceiling bookshelf got full (which we also uncovered from storage) but since it's new to my new room I wouldn't call it old. Now I have something to store my books while I wait for my steel pipe bookshelves to come in! Also gives me room to unpack all the storage boxes with my books! I have about two large cases that I need to find in the living or the garage. Hmm. I guess I should put on some gloves and protective gear... things are about to get a bit dusty.

These are all the books I've bought within the past year and a half. All of my books from college and prior are in storage because of all the construction in my house. These new gems are the lucky ones to be put on display, but I miss all my other books so much I can't wait to take them out of storage and placed where they belong! It's been a long time coming.

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