
Today was a good day. The sky provided great beauty on the way to work. I decided to ride again after such fun yesterday. At one point on the way home I was on a road with no traffic going downhill so I stood up on the pedals like a little kid, pretending to fly. I highly recommend it!

The day job was what I've come to expect of late. I go in with a plan and then other things happen. Today I was asked to finish off some work for a very senior civil servant for a presentation she was making today. It wasn't hard work but time consuming and I waved goodbye to my plans. Hey ho! I learned some stats, like there are over 1 million people under the age of 18 in Scotland. Who knew?

I then went into town, met my friend and we went for lunch at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery and we had a wander around afterwards - such a good place.

On the way back to my friend's office, I saw Gunnar. His face just drew me to him - it was so interesting and open. I've hesitated lately about asking for photos, partly because the people I've wanted to photograph have been in a hurry so I didn't want to interfere. Gunnar was waiting for a lift, or perhaps just waiting for me to come along to take his picture. He's visiting Edinburgh from Stockholm and I hope he has a lovely stay.

Tootle pip, lovely blippers.

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