
By BethAndCo

Stay and Play :-) xxx

Eva slept through again! I really cannot believe she's sleeping through every night at the moment. It's never really bothered me her waking in the night, but I must admit, it's been lovely having solid nights' sleeps. I hope I'm not tempting fate saying this.... I got up this morning and could hear her stirring, but by the time I was out of the shower etc, she'd gone back to sleep again, so I just went in to her and woke her up as we had stay and play to get ready for, yippeeeeeee a day with my beautiful babba girl :-)

Stay and play was great fun as always, it was the first one back since before Christmas. Eva had a lovely time crawling after a toy apple that kept rolling across the floor. At snack time I couldn't believe Eva actually ate some banana, some grapes, some raisins, but actually left her breadsticks for once.

I love her facial expression on today's pic of her at stay and play, before her temperature and rosy cheeks.

I do not know how Eva could have still been tired, but on the 3 minute drive home from stay and play, Eva fell asleep in the car. I carried her in and she woke up, gave her some milk, and she went to bed for over 2 hours. I then thought, I doubt she'll sleep well tonight now, but it's currently 11.30pm as I type this, and she hasn't so much as stirred since she's been in bed and she went to bed at 8pm.

I had an allergy visit this afternoon from a lovely couple from Oxford. My dad came round just before they arrived, so he helped keep Eva entertained while I spoke to them. She was good as gold actually and quite content sat on his lap watching C Beebies and playing with her toys.

Lorna came round to see us then, which was such a lovely surprise. Eva had started to feel very warm and her cheeks had again started to go very pink, and clutching Iggle Piggle, she practically fell asleep on Lorna's lap. I checked her temperature and it was over 38 degrees, so I gave her some calpol, took her jumper off, and snuggled her onto my lap. She fell asleep for about 20 minutes, she really could not keep her eyes open.

By bedtime her temperature was back to normal thankfully, and she's still asleep now. I just hope she'll be ok in the night xxx

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