Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

On the Shoreline

I walked the three pooches to the beach late this afternoon. Once we arrived at the beach, I had to walk another block or so south to the public stairs and then onto the sand and then we turned north and headed to the pier.

The tide was low and left lots of beautifully shiny sand. Late afternoon and slick sand are my definition of perfect conditions.

We arrived at the pier area where the "beach cam" is and I waved like crazy and sent Mr. Fun a text to ask if he could see us in the cam and he replied that the sun was blinding the camera and everything was distorted. So we'll have to try that again some morning when the sun is behind the cam rather than shining into it.

So we paused and I took the water bottle out of my pants pocket and the small bowl from the pocket on the other side of my pants and gave the pups a chance to wet their whistles. Then we aimed south and started walking again.

Taking a photo with my iPhone in one hand and 3 dog leashes in the other was a bit tricky. I captured lots of photos of the 3 k9s -- 3 butts in a row -- could have been the title. Then I saw the sun dipping into the water and I was awed -- it felt like the world stood still; it was so beautiful (then 3 leashed dogs started tugging and broke the spell).

It was the first time in a long time that I've seen sunset from right down at water level. I'll be sighing over that for days.

From California's Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. The windows on the houses on the bluffs lit-up with the sun's reflection. Absolutely stunning!

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