Early morning rainy blurriness

The quality of this picture is not great and the image is not very clear but, for some strange reason, it was my favourite of the ones I took today, which were slightly sharper. My idea was to get the three umbrella holders lined up, but I had to be quick. I only had with me the little camera because I hardly ever take out the big one on rainy days (too much of a hassle!). So I grabbed it with one hand, whilst holding the umbrella with the other and took the picture quickly. The result was not great but I got the three people lined up the way I wanted! :)

I took it on my way to work, since today I decided to walk to work.

The weather has been rubbish, raining for most part of the day. I'm feeling better, but it takes a while to get rid of these colds completely. I'm glad I have the weekend off, and I'm planning to take it easy.

Thanks very much for all your nice comments yesterday! I hope you all have a good weekend! :)

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