Stormy Sky

Started the day very early to finish off building some equipment that Claire was shipping. Back home to prepare breakfast for Eleanor and me, only to find she was suffering with a bad migraine and had to take the day off school.

I attended another funeral today as we said goodbye to a camera club member. Very sad occasion. Pete was such a Gentleman, it was so interesting to learn about his life. I eventually couldn't keep my eyes dry as we heard how his young and only very brave and devoted Grandson had been there at his passing.

Back home feeling exhausted and got a few things sorted on the computer for work. Then took Meg for a walk. Only to find the sky very black! Oops!

I had two Olympus EM1's around my neck, one with the 100 - 400 (equivalent) and one with a 24 - 70 (equivalent). Although both cameras and lenses are waterproof I thought it was better to put them inside my jacket after taking four photos including this one!

Spent the rest of the evening as a lounge lizard but managed to stay awake as Eleanor and I watched Iron Man 3 - Claire played on her iPad!

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