Covered Market: Wheat
More focussed on wheat in large ("L").
Phew, I survived my "collection". One of my essays was on wheat (well, its domestication) this morning, so I knew what I'd blip as soon as I saw this hanging up outside the florist in the Covered Market.
It got me to thinking: would I recognise Arabidopsis thaliana if I saw it growing from a wall? Would I recognise Drosophila melanogaster in a line-up of fruit flies? I could write essays on each, but can confidently say no to both questions. Wheat is slightly different (I've seen Gladiator, and spent enough time outdoors), but I'm sure that plenty of people could learn as much about its genetics, domestication, pests and pathogens (&c.), and still overlook it; I often wonder about how specialised my education is...
p.s. If this isn't actually wheat, please don't tell me. Or if you must, please be gentle...
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