The Little Acorn

By thelittleacorn

Oooh baby, it's C-C-C-COLD outside!

We hit record-breaking low temperatures today. It was bone-chilling cold outside! I considered actually running at today's SRC meetup, but I like being able to feel my toes. So I'll just start my tri training next week :)

He said he wasn't coming because he was going on a date. Oh, really? Since when did he want to start dating?! That was a huge surprise to hear. In fact, it actually hurt, because I thought things were going so well. I was respecting his boundaries and leaving space between us.

People put up walls for two reasons: to keep people out or to see who cares enough to knock them down.

He constantly puts up walls. "I'm not looking for a relationship." "I'm moving away from this area." "You're too old for me." Seriously, where is my sledgehammer? Let me in!

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