Have a nice daye!

By Su5hma

Some Bed Time Reading

Or as my brother calls it - the Argos Catalogue! Well - he says - it's the same size!

I got fed up trying to read this on my phone screen so I ordered a copy. Problem is if I fall asleep reading it I might break my nose of knock myself out if it lands on my head!!!

Work from home today as I had it in my diary that the blood bank was in town - made it down just as the evening session opened - that has to be the quickest I have ever gotten through giving blood in Scotland! Well until the lady on coffee duty asked me how I was as apparently I had turned a strange shade of grey! So... off for another lie down I went!

Oh yeah - and the Virgin Media phone engineer waited until I had just logged on to a conference/training call to arrive! Thankfully I wasn't running this one! So basically - my phone engineer came on time (on the right day) unlike catsCorner101 - so I think I won!

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