Frilly socks ....
Eve SHUNNED frilly socks as a little girl ... So imagine my shock when she purchased a pack of three frilly socks which she uses her own birthday money for ...
'But you hated frilly socks ' says I ...
'Get with it mum' says the 13 year old ..
Ok..... I shall shushhhhhh.
It was a bit cold on the dog walk but always enjoyable with tits McGee mainly because we laugh at our own jokes and find ourselves the most amusing pair on the planet.
Mr W now has the lurgy,bless our youngest child she does like to share her germs ... On the upside she sounds brighter but has still spent the day on the sofa with her dad .. They have watched the film Frozen which I kind of watched but I thought it was a strange little film I give it 5.5/10 .
(This is not my usual type of blip but I thought I would go for something totally different to what I typically do)
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