Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy


I need to get through all the pets before my year is up - this is the penultimate one, Rizzo. If you like small furry creatures, try it large. If you don't, don't.

Gerbils are absolute little sods to photograph. At one point the other one jumped onto the camera and tried to eat it.

Today I drove the car into a bollard at Sainsbury's - it's on the same side of the car that David has already scraped past a lamppost, and now there are more bits of trim on the back seat of the car than are left on the outside. I laughed when I got out of the car - a passer by commented on the laughing and I thought "well at least you aren't asking me if the baby is alright..." The reason I did it was that I was fuming over the rudeness and lack of consideration of a certain acquaintance of mine who expects to bring a bag of scraps of paper round to my house every year on 30 January and for me to magically turn it into a tax return for him. (I have to say that if I didn't know how to do my own tax return, I'd bloody well learn rather than have to face someone as grumpy as me every year).

But these things don't matter in the scheme of things. I am going to focus on all the good things, especially the 2 episodes of The Bridge that are on tonight.

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