The Abandoned Office Blues, Maidstone

Day 18 of 365. Not a particularly successful day photography wise but sometimes you just have to soldier on! Main reason for going to Maidstone was to buy Scotch Pies (a delicacy unlike any other English pie and from my land of birth, so obviously better!) from the only supermarket in our area that has a regular supply, Morrisons.
After that it was a trip into the County Town centre itself - lets just say it's not one of the jewels of Kent. But what I like about places like this is the rough edges, the melancholy back streets, the tired buildings because they also evoke memories of when I was younger and when the town then seemed somewhere fun to hang out with school and college friends or just with my brother.
Anyway, today's shot is from one of those melancholy back streets and this is an empty, abandoned office building - I just liked the strange blue squares and the blue and white plastic sacks along with the peeling paint!
Today's quote is from Elliott Erwitt again - "The whole point of taking pictures is so that you don't have to explain with words". Often, I think that is the case because you sometimes don't know why you take a photograph just that you have to, that at the time it feels right and makes sense, if only to you!

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