The Route Ahead Is Obscured, Aylesford

Day 19 0f 365. My day for my usual long run and today was no exception. I managed a full one hour and forty minutes but it was a real struggle and featured the thing I hate most but always attempt when I'm training - the Killer Hill! It's not even very long, maybe half a mile or so but it is very steep and you always end up with the feeling that your lungs are going to burst out of your chest.
There is a theory with running that you either associate or disassociate - this means you either think about your running as you do it, concentrating on every step and every breath and nothing else, or you do the opposite and think of anything other than the physical activity itself. With the Killer Hill I definitely disassociate!
Today's shot is of a discarded road sign but it also got me thinking about how sometimes you feel there is no clear route ahead in your life, that things are a mess, you're bogged down with work and you can see no way ahead. I often find when things are this bad often a smile, a kind gesture, even an offer of a pint of beer can lift the spirits no end - sometimes it's the very smallest of things that mean the most.
The quote for today is from Yousuf Karsh - "Look and think before opening the shutter. The heart and mind are the true lens of the camera".

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