2014 more running needed

By Brianporterrun

Double birthday.

Fifteen years ago today Mrs. P and I were with Dad celebrating his birthday.

My dear sister had made her apologies for not joining us because she had gone into labour with her first child.

There were many reasons we decided against going to the hospital to wait for news:

The weather was very wet and wild, not good for traveling unless it was vital.

Hospitals are not the most comfortable places to wait and they don't have room for more than a couple of people waiting visiting/waiting.

The main reason, however, was hospitals don't sell wine!

So we waited in the pub!

Just before closing we got the wonderful news that I had become Uncle Brian to my favourite niece (I can say this without fear of being challenged).

So today we have had a beautiful family meal and a fabulous birthday cake to round it all off.

Have a great Sunday.

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