The Little Acorn

By thelittleacorn

Handle With Care

Some of the artwork that I bought on the Thanksgiving cruise last year finally arrived today! These are a couple Kinkade pieces that I fell in love with.

"Garden of Prayer" pictures a gazebo between a river and a path. The river represents Life, with its constant ebbs and flows, reminding us to just follow it wherever it leads. Yet, don't forget to take the path once in a while. Always follow the path you can't resist.

The other painting is one that Kinkade painted for his 40th birthday. It was totally befitting for me, as I will be reaching this age this year. I try not to think about the number too much, but I am extremely thankful for all the wisdom and experiences my life has brought me so far.

I still have many, many years ahead of me. And many more paths to take.

Escape. Travel. Live.

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