A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Back again

Probably some back related gag just waiting to be made but it is close to the end of the day and it is eluding me.

On the recommendation of my physio I went for a gentle run this afternoon. Turns out she knows what she's talking about as my back feels much loser and the best it has all week. The run wasn't the prettiest ever but it has been a couple of weeks so went back to week 6 of C25k and that helped a lot with the mind battle. And finally feeling back to normal energy levels after feeling wiped for most of the week. Am now certain it was a virus and think that poor Carl might be going down with it as he has been sleepy and in and out of naps all day.

Worked this morning whilst Anna was at dancing and Carl and J at football. Making up for the lethargy of the week and felt quite good to get something done. The rest of the day has mainly been home-based and very chilled. Had some kids over for the afternoon whilst their parents had a jaunt to the theatre which mainly meant that we didn't see any kids for hours and hours. All that was needed was ferrying Anna to and from a party.

And then a very chilled out evening with the kids and some Saturday telly.

And so lovely to be back by the river it had to be my blip. It always makes me happy.

Lesley x

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