
By powerplanter

Try to switch over

From time to time we have to switch over the lubricating oil coolers; the stand by cooler is put into service and the other one is goin to stand-by.
Mostly this is done prior to maintenance but not so mgny production technicians know excactly how to do this.
One has to be very sure if the seacoolingwatersupply to the cooler is open and if the cooler is filled with water on the water side and full of oil in the oil compartment.
If not, it's obvious that when the oilpressure drops because a flow of air instead of oil is going to the turbine, the unit trips and we loose 650 MegaWatts.
So we made a manual how to switch over and here we are testing if the manual is clear enough.
Bob (in the background) is switching over at the oilside, Dirk on the right is looking how it's done and Jan ( on the left) is trying to keep the cooler on it's place.
No, just kidding, he's using the cooler as a support, so he can take a look also... :-)

Because I'm being asked why this is:
we had a cut-back on personnel. Formerly a new collegue was trained by an experienced engineer but we do not have the time for proper training on the job anymore..
So we have a lot of working instructions (manuals) for work like this (also for testing all kind of installation parts).
And so you can see we are still working on new instructions because things that seem simple to us (a bit experienced) might be very difficult for a trainee....

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