Viator Fabula

By Heliflyer

The World's biggest cat

Well, I have the world's best dog, (although Angeline may dispute that), I have the cat with the world's widest eyes, and here for the first time is Dave, the world's largest cat. Ok, the picture sucks but I took it on my phone in poor light and it's better than nothing.

This boy is big. He's not fat - just big. When he first arrived, he was incredibly nervous as he'd spent most of his life outside and he is still very difficult to pick up. There was a big domination thing that went on between him and Millie which was weird, and quite difficult to deal with, but with patience and love he's come through and he's good company now - big purrer - like a machine gun!

I find it fascinating how all these animals develop and have their own personalities and likes and dislikes. They are all so different. How does that fit into a spiritual view of life?

George the dog dreams - you can see him twitching and hear him grumping and growling and making little barking noises as he dreams about whatever a dog dreams about. I don't believe (as some do) that animals have equal rights to humans, but at the same time, I find it very moving and humbling that these creatures like to be with us, and seek our company out.

As I recall from my long lost days in church, the first commandment was to be fruitful and increase in number. Well, we've managed that spectacularly - we are on course for ten billion on the planet by the end of the century and what that will be like is unimaginable. I am glad I won't be around to find out.

But the next commandment was for humans to rule over all the birds and beasts - presumably fairly and justly.

So we better take good care of the Millies and the Georges and the Daves (and the Archies!) of this world!

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